Fćrsluflokkur: Enski boltinn
Skrifađi ég ţetta bull?
25.8.2009 | 22:43
Ég ákvađ ađ prófa nýju íslensku ţýđingarvélina í Google, henti inn bloggfćrsli gćrdagsins: Rofnađi grundvöllur íslenskra lánasamninga viđ Hruniđ? og fékk út ţessa steypu, sem er sérstaklega skemmtilegt ađ lesa međ sterkum skoskum hreim.
Annars frábćrt ađ fá íslenskuna í Google.
Takk Google!
Has been lost lánasamninga the basis of Icelandic collapse?
24.8.2009 | 08:17
It is by no means just letting Lantra may bear all the damage. Just would if Lantra cheek would get the opportunity to submit a car, apartment or housing, given the assumptions that the person is in substantial greiđsluvanda and need opportunities, because of crashes, start again start.
When ideas like this and these are choking in the making, the need to listen to what it is that object, because there is possibly someone who can heal the overstimulation of others and is exactly the same about where the money comes, just to end in the right pocket.
That the "banks" protests such ideas, before given the opportunity to develop them in any way, raises additional suspicions about my corruption and questions whether the assets have real value, or whether that here was simply been spectacular to discuss money laundering, which was hidden in uppsprengdu real estate prices.
Sometime I heard ACL Sigurdardottir talking about the idea of ÍBÚĐALÁNASJÓĐUR could take over the apartments of people and allow them instead to rent out their apartments. How is this issue to those who took loans from Ríkisbönkunum?
While those who owe a lot to be veil, they are still minority population, and money from them goes to their own money for. Therefore they who have always fought against those released before the bondage of debt. In the United States needed to determine the problem with civil war that has sometimes been called Ţrćlastríđiđ.
What I'm most concerned about is how to receive owed to lie bleeding in the street months without them is right hand. Indeed, they receive medications to stay alive, but drugs do not cure. People in significant problems grows. Still many issues to reddit itself, but I am afraid that the nation is falling at the time.
That 3000 people attended the Icesave protests than 100,000 on menningarnótt shows primarily the veruleikafirringu the nation has to deal with. It will all be up reddit, that everything will be fun, but there are too few frightened ready to face reality.
Soon begins very hard winter.
Enski boltinn | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:45 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (9)
Hryllilegt spark sem Terry fékk í höfuđiđ
25.2.2007 | 19:15

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Terry gat fagnađ međ félögum sínum |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Enski boltinn | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:17 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (6)